S38 Agreement Highways

March 16, 2022

S38 Agreement Highways: Understanding the Basics

If you`re a property developer or planning to build new infrastructure, you`ll likely come across the term “S38 agreement highways.” It`s an essential aspect of construction projects that you need to know to ensure everything runs smoothly.

S38 agreement highways refer to the legal agreement between a property developer and the local highways authority to adopt and maintain roads built as part of a new development. It`s a process that ensures public safety and the appropriate use of public highways. In this article, we`ll delve deeper into what happens during S38 agreement highways and why it`s crucial for property developers.

Understanding S38 Agreement Highways

When you plan to build new infrastructure, you`ll need to approach the local highways authority to get permission to access public roads. It`s at this point that you`ll also enter into an S38 agreement to ensure the proper adoption of the existing roads and any new ones that will be developed. In simple terms, the agreement ensures that new roads are constructed to a high standard, and the local authority will maintain them going forward.

The S38 agreement will typically include a variety of terms that detail the standards for construction, timelines for completion, the cost-sharing between the developer and local authority, and the transfer of ownership of the roads from the developer to the local authority.

Why S38 Agreement Highways are Essential

S38 agreement highways are essential because they provide a formal legal framework for construction projects and protect public safety. When developers adhere to the terms of the agreement, they ensure that the roads built are of high quality and meet the necessary standards for public use. Furthermore, the agreement ensures that the local authority will take responsibility for the maintenance of the roads.

The adoption of new roads is crucial because it ensures that they become part of the public highway and are subject to the same regulations and protections as others. Without adoption, the roads could be left in a legal limbo, and public liability concerns could arise.


S38 agreement highways are a crucial part of any construction project that involves the building of new roads. They provide a legal framework for the development and adoption of roads and ensure they meet necessary standards for public use.

If you`re a property developer, it`s essential to understand the S38 agreement highways process, including the various terms and agreements involved. By doing so, you can ensure that your project adheres to regulations, and the new roads are of a high standard for public use. Working with experts experienced in S38 agreement highways can ensure a smooth, successful project that protects public safety and your legal interests.