Software Reseller Agreement Template Free

March 6, 2022

As a reseller of software, it is important to have a clear and concise agreement in place with your suppliers. This not only protects both parties involved, but also ensures the smooth running of your business. However, drafting a software reseller agreement can be time-consuming and complex. Luckily, there are numerous free software reseller agreement templates available online to help make the process easier.

When choosing a software reseller agreement template, it is important to ensure that it covers all necessary aspects of the relationship between the supplier and reseller. Some key clauses that should be included are:

1. Product details: This clause outlines the details of the product being sold, including its specifications, features, and any limitations on its use. It should also state whether the reseller has exclusive rights to market and sell the product in certain regions.

2. Pricing and payment terms: This clause outlines the pricing structure of the product and how the reseller will be compensated for their sales. It should include details such as the reseller`s commission rate, payment schedule, and any applicable taxes or fees.

3. Intellectual property rights: This clause outlines the ownership of any intellectual property related to the product, including trademarks, patents, and copyrights. It should state that the supplier owns all intellectual property rights and that the reseller has the right to use them solely for the purpose of selling the product.

4. Term and termination: This clause outlines the term of the agreement and the circumstances under which it can be terminated by either party. It should also specify any notice requirements and whether or not the reseller is entitled to a refund of any fees paid in advance.

5. Representations and warranties: This clause outlines the promises made by both parties to each other, such as the supplier`s promise to provide software that is free of defects and the reseller`s promise to sell the product in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Overall, having a software reseller agreement in place is essential for any business involved in the selling of software. By using a free software reseller agreement template, you can save time and ensure that you have a comprehensive agreement that protects both parties involved. Be sure to review any template thoroughly and modify it as needed to suit your unique business needs and situation.