Wb-36 Buyer Agency Agreement

January 8, 2022

As a savvy home buyer, you may be looking for a way to safeguard your interests during the home buying process. One effective method is to work with a buyer`s agent who can represent your needs and negotiate on your behalf. And one of the tools that buyers` agents use is the WB-36 Buyer Agency Agreement.

What is the WB-36 Buyer Agency Agreement?

The Wisconsin Real Estate Board developed the WB-36 Buyer Agency Agreement to establish an agreement between the buyer and their agent regarding the scope of services to expect. It is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship between a buyer and their agent.

Essentially, the WB-36 Buyer Agency Agreement establishes a relationship of representation between the buyer and the agent. It indicates that the agent is working exclusively for the buyer and will act in their best interests, rather than for the seller.

What are the benefits of using the WB-36 Buyer Agency Agreement?

The WB-36 Buyer Agency Agreement provides several benefits for both the buyer and the agent. Firstly, it sets clear expectations for what services the agent will provide and what the buyer can expect from their agent. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and disputes down the line.

The agreement also establishes the commission that the agent will receive upon successful completion of the transaction. This can provide transparency and clarity regarding any potential fees.

Additionally, the WB-36 Buyer Agency Agreement allows the buyer to have a dedicated agent who is working exclusively on their behalf. The agent will help the buyer to find suitable properties, negotiate offers, and manage the closing process. This can help to ensure that the buyer gets the best possible deal on their new home.

How do you use the WB-36 Buyer Agency Agreement?

If you are interested in using the WB-36 Buyer Agency Agreement, you should start by finding a suitable agent who is willing to work with you under this agreement. Your agent will provide you with a copy of the agreement and go over it with you to ensure that you understand the terms and conditions.

Once you have signed the agreement, your agent will begin working on your behalf and helping you to find your dream home. Throughout the process, your agent will keep you informed of any developments and provide guidance and advice as needed.

In conclusion, the WB-36 Buyer Agency Agreement is an effective tool for safeguarding your interests during the home buying process. By establishing a relationship of representation with a dedicated agent, you can ensure that you get the best possible deal on your new home. As always, it`s important to work with a qualified and experienced agent who can guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions.