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Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry

Lake Country Bible Church Women’s Ministry exists to equip and encourage all women through the study of God’s Word for the purpose of faithfully serving one’s husband/family, other saints within the local church, and unbelievers within the community while growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. LCBC currently offers five main ministries to women: Women's Bible Study, Mother to Mothers, Titus 2: Workers in the Home, Titus Tea Outreach, and Women’s Prayer Meeting.

Women’s Bible Studies

Each year, over two semesters, our ladies come together to study a book of the Bible. In addition to wonderful times of teaching, the women break into small groups to deepen personal relationships, pray together, and apply God’s Word to their lives. Coffee and refreshments are provided.  Attendees may choose to participate on Tuesday mornings or Thursday evenings.

Additional Ministries 

Lake Country Bible Church offers a variety of ministries for women. To learn more, stop by the Welcome Counter in the main lobby or contact us.

  • Mother to Mothers
  • Widows & Singles
  • Dessert Fellowship
  • Women's Prayer Meeting
  • Titus 2: Workers in the Home
  • Titus Tea Outreach


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