
Missions are an endeavor beyond our local congregation to fulfill the great commission (Matt. 28:18-20) by making disciples, planting churches, and aiding in the growth and development of newly-planted churches among all peoples, tribes, and tongues. With this perspective in mind, we partner with like-minded mission agencies in the support of both short-term and career missionaries who seek to bring the Gospel to the lost. These missionaries may be serving in evangelistic, translation, or discipleship positions, as well as in positions of missionary support, either within or outside of the United States.

At Lake Country Bible Church, we have a deacon of local outreach and personal evangelism who helps equip our people in this important area of ministry service.

Foreign Missions

Pastor Sal & Elena Massa

Cross Angle Ministries - India

Conferences and a teaching ministry led by Pastor Sal (founding Pastor of Lake Country Bible Church) are offered for pastors, church leaders and believers who desire a deeper understanding of God's Word. The Massas have had a ministry to south India since 2008.

Will & Kelly Tallman

Ethnos360 - Papua New Guinea

The Tallmans are tribal church planters in a remote mountain village of Papua New Guinea with the Kuman people. Their main ministry is Bible translation, teaching, discipleship and a literacy program (reading the Bible in their own language).

Daniel & Alexandra Boldea

Hand of Help - Romania & Ukraine

Daniel & Alexandra's projects include church planting, raising orphans, feeding the hungry and providing other basic needs, supporting missionaries and war refugees with a primary focus on proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Persecuted Church (Middle East)

Our ministry connections in the Middle East provide basic humanitarian relief to those in need as well as distributing Bibles. For more information, contact Pastor Caleb.

Domestic Missions

Jordan & Jessica Martin

InterAct Ministries - Ruby Alaska

Jordan & Jessica joined InterAct to walk alongside and disciple others for Jesus. They desire to see a thriving, self-sustaining church developed in the small community of Ruby, Alaska.

Chris & Melanie Saberin

Ethnos360 - Stanford, FL

Chris is the Chief Administrative Officer for the Ethnos360 Ministry & Melanie assists with administration.

Child Evangelism Fellowship

After-School Good News Club - Hartland, WI

Good News Club is an exciting, fun-filled weekly club for kids in which the Bible is clearly taught with songs, stories and games at local public schools.

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